Our aluminum trailers are tough, resist rust and corrosion, and they're eye-catching out on the road. This version features a durable aluminum floor, tough enough to handle a wide range of applications. And with its lightweight design, it can haul more of your gear to your next great adventure or job site.
Easy to clean with little need for ongoing maintenance, our highly durable aluminum floors are built to last—no need to replace aged wood planks here. Lightweight yet strong, aluminum floors deliver the strength you need while not adding unnecessary weight.
Lighter than steel trailers, our aluminum trailers retain the strength and durability you demand while still offering a high capacity for cargo weight. Lightweight and strong, they're a win-win.
Strong, resistant to corrosion, and holding more cargo than comparable steel trailers, our aluminum trailers are built with the best materials and by the most skilled hands in the trade—offering a reliable trailer that is built to last for years.